Dreaming of You...

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Xmas Gathering @ Aunt June's House

On 26 Dec 09, Boxing Day, we had a family gathering at Aunt June's House. It's a day of feasting. All chipped in for a whole spread of good food. We had lots of fun playing the games. Everyone laughed till they have stitches on their side. Whahahhha!

Our usual Big Family Shot

Christmas log cake from Bakerzin


Xavier & Gilliah

Auntie Sandra & Darius

Darius & Uncle Hwa Beng

All the presents are "hard-earned" I must say, we all have to draw lots and pick our item and present it before everyone before we can officially collect our gifts.

Darius imitates a famous superstar and dances (Nobody Nobody)

Shermon gulps his cup of water in 20 secs

Shannon had to hi-5 with 5 people

Xavier sings everyone a Christmas Song

Xintain had to crack her brain to think of a silly joke

Shihan pinches her nose and say Merry Christmas

Shanice had to collect 5 watches

Yinghui had to spin the hula hoop for 20 secs

Victor had to go around telling 5 people "God Loves U"

Joyce dancing us a funny dance

Joyce & Victor in the (Sorry) Dance

Zoeleen had to talk like Santa Claus

Shermon had to blink his eyes 20 times

Victor demonstrating to Xavier how to write Merry with his buttocks


I Love My Family

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