Dreaming of You...

Friday, November 27, 2009

西海岸麦当劳 之 雪糕乐

Tricia's Birthday @ East Coast

Picnic by the beach

Xavier, Shanice, Ian, Tricia, Ian & Evan busy scooping the sand

Sau Wee & Yuting came and joined in


Xavier is the 1st one to try

Ian hit the hardest

Tricia had her try

Sweets for Grabs


Something Xavier always wanted

Xavier wanted a weighing scale for a long long time

We tried to weigh Dibo but he isn't too cooperative

Joyce & Victor dropped by.....

Joyce fell in love with Dibo at the 1st sight

Victor dancing Merry-Go-Round with the kids

1, 2, 3, Whoosh!

Our New Bunk Bed

Patrick checking the kids out

Xavier's got a good view, the sun shines on him every morning he wakes up

My girls wanna try sitting on Gor Gor's bed too

See! Xavier is really excited about his new bed

Xavier's bed is at Level 2

Shanice's is at Level 1, Shannon took the Basement Level

Picture of my thrios

A picture with Papa

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

We played Games after Games after Games

Rummikub - A number game which we learn about sequencing. Lots of thinking to be done.

Tensation - If you know how to count from 1-10, you know how to play this game.

Monopoly, A Multi Millionair Game - Annie's got the high tech version where no money is involved, everyone owes one credit card. WeeuWeet!

Shannon keeps following Lex around

"Oopps Aunty Regina caught us munching!!"

Annie & Shannon

We had a Chess Master in our midst, that's Leo

Ice-cream Treat for everyone

Caiting is Dibo's Fan

Bee & Shannon

Annie & Bee loves Shannon a great deal

I Love My Family

Thumbs Up