Dreaming of You...

Friday, July 31, 2009

Trusting In God

“Behold, happy is the man whom God corrects; therefore do not despise the chastening of the Almighty. For He bruises, but He binds up; He wounds, but His hands make whole.“ Job 5:17-18

Job, a righteous and wealthy man, saw his own life of health, blessing and family taken away from him suddenly. Unknown to him, Job’s problems did not begin on earth, but rather in heaven. Satan, with God’s permission and divinely imposed limitations, launched a series of devastating attacks in an attempt to force Job to renounce God. But in the midst of each trial, Job maintained his faith and trust in the Lord. Let’s understand a few biblical truths:

(1) When you suffer, it is NOT always due to personal sin (Job 1:8). In John 9:1-2, the disciples wanted to know if a man who was blind from birth had sinned. And Jesus answered, “Neither this man not his parents sinned.” Your suffering is not always due to personal sin or disobedience. Job suffered, but he was a blameless man.

(2) Suffering in your life may be a sign that you are doing what God wants you to do (1 Pet. 4:15-16). God sometimes permits suffering so that He might demonstrate His perfect strength in the face of human weakness.

(3) Sometimes there is no earthly reason (though there may be a heavenly one) why you are allowed to suffer physically or emotionally (Job 1:12; 2:6). God allowed Job to suffer in order to silence the enemy. Out of the mouth of babes, God has ordained strength to silence the enemy (Ps. 8:2). Job’s suffering and endurance shut the mouth of Satan. Through Job’s perseverance, the devil was forever silenced from accusing God and man that: the righteous are righteous only because of God’s blessings.

(4) When you suffer, you need to trust in God (Job 13:15). God is always wise, and always right. The moment you stop questioning God, you will have joy and peace even when things seem to be going wrong.

(5) You need to develop endurance and patience (James 5:8-11). Job waited patiently and his restoration came. Job had hope in God. When you go through suffering and hardship, wait upon the Lord. Change will eventually come. “For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise” (Heb. 10:36). Are you being afflicted through loss of health, finances, or family? Check to be sure there is no earthly cause for your pain; then put your hope and trust in God. “If we endure, we shall also reign with Him” (2 Tim. 2:12).

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Racial Harmony Day @ Clementi Primary Sch

Xavier & Me

Yummy! I Love the Sausage Roll

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

On our way home after school

Xavier, Nicole & Zheng Jie

Monday, July 20, 2009

Strolling round the neighbourhood

Shanice blowing bubbles for Dibo

That's Glen, a cute little boy who likes Dibo alot and follow us wherever Dibo goes

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Jumbo Seafood Restaurant

Dinner was supposed to be at Downtown East New York New York actually but the queue to the carpark was simply too long. So Patrick made a U-turn and drove towards PIE. 1/2 way we decided to have seafood at Jumbo Seafood Restaurant at East Coast Park.

When we reached the park, the sky's already dark. In a distance we saw many children holding on to colourful wands. 3 of them were attracted of course. I managed to find the guy selling it, there wasn't a proper stall actually. He's holding on to 2 big red plastic bags with all the stuffs inside. More than 20 children and adults were crowding around him. I quickly took out the money, bought 3 and left. The 3 of them didn't disturb us throughout the dinner as they are busy exploring their new toy. It so happened to be breezy too, so everyone was in good mood(Phew!)

Than came our order; 1st the Butterfly Clam (you've got to try it to know it), 2nd dish was my favourite Dried Chilli Froggie Legs. After the 2 dishes we were like already 1/2 full. We waited for quite sometime before our next 2 dishes are out. It's worth our wait anyway, it's the famous Chilli Crab + Fried Buns
and Deep fried Tilapia with sweet sour gravy. Overall rating for the dinner 10/10. Haven't had such a satisfying meal for a long time.

Shanice & Daddy

Guess Xavier really fell in love with his red fireman hat, he wore it for the whole day (all the way from the fire station to church than to dinner)

Don't play play with Shannon, she's got magic power now with her new wand!

Shanice waving her colourful wand

Shannon climb into this giant bowl

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Clementi Fire Station Excursion

Heard from my cousin about the Open House of the Fire Stations around Singapore so I decided that it'll be our weekend venture. So we set off from home at around 0915. We took 2 buses (although it's very near) before we reached our destination, Clementi Fire Station. I approached one of the staff who was then our guide of the day, Mr Md Arif. I exchanged my identification card for a visitor pass before the tour starts.

The tour begins from the Watch Room at the 2nd level. There we learnt about the duties of a watchman who has to be on duty for 24 hrs . After which we followed our guide to 1st level where we take a look at the 2 differents types of fireman uniforms. There was also a fireman putting on the full gear for us to see. The more complicated one was the uniform which will only be wore during chemical spills and the fireman is required to put on within 6 mins. The uniform + all neccessary equipments weigh a total of 20kg. Next was the usual fireman uniform which we usually see. Fireman is required to put on this one within 1 min and they have to do these all in the fire engine on the way to the scene. Xavier tried on the fireman uniform and look quite smart on it.

Next, we tried being elevated to a height of about 10-12 storey. As the girls have weaker heart, they chose not to join me and Xavier. I even requested for us to be elevated to a higher level. It's a nice view from the top.

Shanice & Xavier next experience what is it like to use a fire hose. The power of the fire hose is great so one needs to steady himself before they turn on the valve. The children then have their picture taken on the Red Rhino. They have a chance to climb up onto the fire engine to have look at what's in the engine. Mr Md Arif also showed us what's on the various compartments of the fire engine and what are the uses of those things.

Guek Khim is a paramedic, she came to Xavier's Primary School and showed the Primary One pupils Basic Life Saving Skills 2 months ago. She happened to be on duty on this day so she offered to show us where she works, the ambulance. The ambulance looks less complex than a fire engine but the work of a paramedic is one of great importance too!

The children get to take home a red fireman helmet and a cartoon magazine for souvenior. The children enjoyed the excursion very much especially Xavier. He put on the fireman helmet for the whole day.

Fireman in the Watch Room will be on 24 hours duty. Their job is to pick calls from people calling for help and overall controlling of the station's gates and lights

Intoduction on the various uniforms of a fireman

Feeling the air coming out of the air vent

Fireman have to put on their special chemical-proved uniform weighing 20kg in 6 mins when there's a report on chemical spill

Accessories and equipments of a fireman

Fireman of the Day

Fireman have to put on their full gear in 1 min

Mr fireman putting on the safety belt for Xavier

We've got to put on safety helmets and safety belts before we climb onto the ladder

Xavier calling out to Joyln, Shanice & Shannon

I've requested for us to be elevated higher so that we can have a different view at a higher level

Our guide of the day Mr Md Arif, a very patient nice young chap
Jolyn, Shanice & Shannon sitting right below waiting for us
The power of the fire hose
You're gonna get wet wET WET

Shanice & Xavier climb up the Red Rhino

What's inside the fire engine compartments?


Up we go to the fire engine

Trying out the big flash light

The blower-used to blow the thick smoke away so that fireman can have a clearer vision

Xavier ready to set off

In the ambulance

This is how it looks like with the stetcher in

A picture with Guek Khim & her crew

Shanice on the bike with Guek Khim

A memorable red fireman hat for each child to take home which reads (Get Ready, Be Ready, Stay Ready)

*For more details please log on to http://www.scdf.gov.sg/

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