Dreaming of You...

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Subhas Anandan

It's one of the rare times when I get addicted to a book. Jess had lend it to me on Tues. The cover of the book didn't really interest me but Jess promised it's going be worth reading. I started "chewing" on the book while queueing at the Housing Board because I forgot my DS.

The author, Mr Subash began by thanking his family and friends for making writing this book possible. Which I think many authors did that too. He goes on to talk about his younger days at the Naval Base. I like that he speak out what's on his mind and is never fearful of the outcome. I would like to use the word "Gutsy" on Mr Subhas. This man has a pocket full of guts. He's ever ready to stand up or speak out for the weaker ones. He's always the representative people call upon in the Naval Base, University, even Prison days. He also have a nice bunch of loyal and faithful friends.

What attracts me to follow on was the achievements of his family members. His eldest sister is a doctor, younger sister is a reading specialist in MOE. His late younger brother, Surash was the cheif steward in SIA. He died tragically in the infamous SQ006 flight which failed to take off from Taipei airprot and crashed and burned on the runway. Surash remained in the burning airport helping passengers under his care but were caught in a blinding flash fire and perished. Mr Subhas have another younger brother, Sudheesan who was working in the MOD (Ministry of Defence). He played football for Singapore and was the captain of the National Youth Team. All his siblings including him are all well brought up by their parents.

Down period for him was the time he was held in solitary confinement cell at Queenstown Remand Prison. Than transferred to the psychiatric ward at the Changi Prison. Thank God, he was transferred back to Queenstown Remand Prison after being proven that he was perfectly normal. From the way he describes Prison Life, you'll wanna try experience it. He was like King in the Cell, with all the cell-mates sucking up to him.

I was actually more curious about the cases he was handling. Why the criminals had to kill people? Out of love, for money or insane. Were they remorseful? Most of the time, they were. Mr Subhas had a compassion for Criminal Crime. The cases he took was countless. In some case where the family members were only able to give the little amount they could but Mr Subhas would not turn them down. He is a man with BIG heart. I was really impressed by his "Batman" spirit.

In the last chapter he talked about Keeping A Promise. Once during his university days he lost all his sister's salary for his mum and his university school fees betting at the Turf Club. Unable to go home to face his parents, he sought help from a friend. His friend, after giving a good dressing down, lend him the money he wanted and warn him against gambling and how it might ruin his bright future. Mr Subhas made the promise on the spot and still keeps it till today.

Towards the end he wrote, "Years have passed and I really appreciate that at least some people recognise some of the good things I have done. I have in my twilight years become some sort of celebrity but I wonder how long that will last. People have short memories and very easily you can become yesterday's hero." At least from today onwards, Mr Subhas you have a new member in your fans club, that's ME!

Last but not least, I've learnt never to judge a book by it's cover!

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