Dreaming of You...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Science Centre with Tracy & Yifang

We had a date today on Valentine's morning with Tracy & Yifang to the Science Centre. The 2 elder children had the map in their hand, and yes, they are our Science Centre Guide of the Day that day. We just followed them around from exhibits to exhibits. The children are all having fun exploring all the different experiments.

All of them took their turns and try out the Illusion Spidy Man, where you are supposed to crawl in from a small entrance and pop your head out of the little hole. And hey presto! There you are, bodyless. Very funny sight I must add. We also catch the 10mins Thunder Bolt Show conducted by Yifang's Aunty. Was very interesting, my 1st time watching after coming Science Centre for many years. The effect was magnificent but too loud for your bare ears. All of us covered our ears with our hands. Poor Shannon got a bad fright!

Than we moved on to the Magic Show. Children all love Magic Shows I must say, you can see from the picture how attentive everyone was. When the Magician ask for voluteers, my dear Xavier went up. In fact, he went up twice. 1st time there were too many onstage so he didn't really take part. 2nd time he actually was the Magician's little assistant. The Magician instructed them to wave their hands and shake their buttocks at the same time. The Magician tore up the coloured papers and the boys too but in a blinking of an eye we can see a yellow hat on the Magician's hands. Xavier opened his mouth wide in astonishment. We all laugh our hearts out when Xavier left with the Magician's sunglass and the Magician was calling out after him.

We had a light refreshment at the Cafe insde before moving on to our last few stops. We invited Tracy & Yifang up our house, the children continued playing for a 2nd round. What a lot of fun, we definately meet up again and have fun together.

Xavier & Yifang is our Science Centre Guide of the Day

Yifang trying her very best to lift her own weight
Shannon on the other hand is waiting to be lifted

Buckle up the seat belt and the arm chair rises up, just like those you've seen on mega magic shows

Jolyn is helping to lift up this heavy weight

This small entrance leads to the Illusion Spidy Man

"Opps! Yifang couldn't find her legs"

Shanice looking for hers too! Oh O!

This place is rather creepy, Xavier looses his too!

Looking at the poor chicks inside the enclosed area

Glitter Graphics

The kids getting ready for the Lightning Show conducted by Yifang's Aunty

The Magician ask for 6 but 16 kids came running up the stage, Xavier was number 12

Enjoying the Magic Show

Xavier's 1st try on stage to be the Magician's Assistant
The 2 boys were instructed to wave their hands and shake their buttocks

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