Dreaming of You...

Saturday, April 10, 2010

香港到新加坡- 第七天

Everyone woke up early for breakfast this morning because the van fetching us to the airport would reached at 9am. We ate at our usual Ji Ji. Xavier ate his favourite sandwiches and milk while I had a bowl of noodles. This is our favourite haunt in HongKong I must say, we had our meals at least 3 times within 3 days. The food there was nice & cheap.

After food, everyone went back to the hotel to checkout. We moved our double-up luggages up the van and it soon speed off to HongKong Airport Terminal. We bought the famous Lao Po Bing & Almond Crisp for our relatives. I also bought a 3 magazines from the bookshop. Before boarding I ran up to Burger King and bought Xavier a Fish Burger Meal. He had his fill!

All of us doze off for a short nap except for Ah Geok and the 2 boys. They were busy solving the cross-word puzzles. Lilian & I didn't just end our Shopping there, we bought 2 Beyu Germany Lip Gloss from the duty free cart on the plane. The special part of the gloss was that it lights up when screwed out and there's a mirror at the side of the gloss. This exclusive gloss is only available onboard the plane according to the stewardess. We bought the last 2!

Very soon we arrived at the Singapore Budget Air Terminal. After collecting our luggages we went in the Duty Free Liquor Shop to get some hard liquor and red wines.
We bade each other farewell. And till our next trip, Adios Amigo...


我们回家去 lo!

快乐的时光总是很快的过去, 不知不觉七天的旅程就在这儿画上一个句号。


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