Dreaming of You...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A Forgiving Heart

And Joab was told, “Behold, the king is weeping and mourning for Absalom.” 2 Samuel 19:1

Of the many noble attitudes David possessed, one of the most noteworthy is his forgiving heart. Having experienced the grace and mercy of God upon his life time and again, David was always quick to forgive others of the wrong they did against him. In 2 Samuel 19, there are four occasions in which we have a glimpse of the forgiving attitude of David.

Firstly, David forgave Absalom his son in spite of the rebellious insurrection the latter had stirred up. In the heat of the battle, Absalom was killed and died hanging on a tree. But the depth of a father’s love over the loss of a son caused David to declare a period of national mourning for Absalom (19:1-4). Jesus was called the Son of David because He was the same. Although the people of Jerusalem had rejected Him, He wept over it because Jerusalem was still the chosen city which He loved deeply (Luke 13:34-35).

Secondly, David forgave and showed kindness to Amasa, the commander of the rebel forces under Absalom (2 Sam. 19:11-13). David extended grace to him and even replaced Joab, his own general, with Amasa.

Thirdly, David showed mercy to Shimei (19:18-22). Shimei was a disgruntled relative of King Saul who cursed and opposed David as he fled from Absalom (2 Sam. 16). When David returned after Absalom’s death, Shimei met him and pleaded for forgiveness and mercy. David readily forgave him.

Fourthly, David forgave Mephibosheth the son of Jonathan. Being made fatherless at the age of five, Mephibosheth was granted special position and privilege in David’s court (2 Sam. 9). But during the Absalom rebellion, Mephibosheth played a questionable role in the whole coup. When he asked David for forgiveness, the king decided to forgive and forget (19:24-30).

David was ever so merciful because his life was the result of God’s unending grace and mercy. Jesus said that those who are forgiven much, they too will love much. But “to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little” (Luke 7:47). People who have no revelation of the extent of their sins and the depth of God’s grace will never be forgiving people themselves. David saw in others a reflection of the weaknesses.

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