Dreaming of You...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Art Lesson - Glitter Glue Art

I've gotten 3 sets of Glitter Glue Art for my 3 kids, enough to let them spend one evening away. As usual, little Shannon would always squeeze the Glitter Glue where it "should not" be squeezed. It's all over and we can't stop her; we've tried keeping hers but she'll find another one (from her sister) and start squeezing again. Xavier and Shanice concentrates well despite the disturb from their sister.

Shanice is concentrating hard on her art piece

Shannon on the other hand is making all of us busy by SqEEzing out all the Glitter Glue onto the cardboard

Xavier's working hard

These "puff-like" glitter chunk is created by our Mr Koh (Xavier), looks edible leh!

Shanice prefers to detail her work using her fingers

Shannon's work

Xavier's masterpiece

Shanice's artwork

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