Dreaming of You...

Friday, June 26, 2009

tRaNfOrMeRs 2

Wednesday evening, Patrick bought 6 tickets and brought us all to watch the openings of Transformers 2. The queue was long but he managed to get the tickets. We got ourselves ready in less than 30 mins before he came to fetch us.

1st, we were late by a few mins. 2nd, someone else sat on our seat (we had to wait for the family to move out from our seat before we can sit on ours). During the 1st 1 hour, everything was smooth and fine. The children are all concentrating on their prawn crackers and gummies. Problem comes after they've finished their snacks. The 2 girls visited the "ladies" one after another. Gosh! My maid and I was jelly-feet.

No choice, my maid & I had to bring all 3 of them out of the theatre or else the rest can't watch the movie in "peace". I brought them to the library only to realise that it'll be closing in 1/2 hour. Than I bring them to Udders for Waffle Ice-cream treat.

Good thing, the show ended just when we finish our ice-cream. Phew!



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